Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Hardest but best day of baseball yet

So the day started out odd compared to all others days. I shouldve known that something was off but it just didnt click. It began by me forgetting to wear khakis or bringing them to class which isnt like me at all to forget anything, let alone pants. So i was a few minutes late getting to rehabs. No big deal. Nothing hurt. As soon as i walked in, my normal guys were in the ATR getting ready, jumped right into rehabs and nothing was different. Everything just felt more tense than normal and people were snapping at little things. I held it together, still happy and everything going well. Kid comes in and asks me to look at his armpit. I begin to look at it but was told to let him alone and do it later to get the rehab kids done. Completely fair, gotta get those kids to practice. Kid comes back in and within 5 mins of evaluation, we determine he has a medical emergency. I was immediately left to handle all pre practice, practice, lift, flu shots, conditioning and post practice for myself. I was pretty excited and nervous at the same time. It was the first time i was allowed to have to whole team to myself and got to somewhat make the decisions. I was confident, did everything the way it needed to be done and was out in a timely fashion after lift. I think i was able to gain more confidence from my mentor from the ability i showed to take care of a hectic day myself without needing to reach out for help or showing any sense of nerves. Professionalism was a key part in me doing my job the right way and i think i earned the right to do it any time it needs done with confidence.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

TRB Experience

I have recently been placed in the role of training room boss for the past two weeks and have one week to go after this. In our program, this is done to give us a chance to be in a leadership role and to supervise undergraduate students in the training room. We are in charge of making sure everything is kept up with, cleaning is done every night, and making sure the training room is shut down correctly each and every night. Alot of people in the past have used the term training room bitch for the trb letters instead because it seems that we are just supposed to clean and do busy work for 3 weeks and then we can move on and continue with our sport assignments. I think there is a level of professionalism that the staff trainers are looking for in us. They want to see if we will take whatever they give us and see how we take constructive criticism. Even though we are called training room boss, we still answer to every staff trainer and must do the little things that are asked of us each and every day. I believe that it truly is how we make it. Even though we dont get as much freedom as they say is afforded, if you show that you are willing to work hard listen to all the things that the staff trainers want to say, it can be a good experience. I believe that some of the staff trainers did not trust me before my trb started because they had not seen the way that i handle myself. I think after the last 2 weeks, they have begun to trust me and respect me more as a colleague than just another student and Ive learned alot from them as well.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Let Me Rant About my Experience

So here we go...... I like BMac, the baseball players, coaches, everyone but there are some pretty frustrating things that continue to happen to me. I went thru four years of undergrad to come in to grad school certified and ready to go only be constantly told that im doing little things wrong. I understand that things are done differently here, but there is also more than one right way to do something and definitely a wrong way but when you do it one of the right ways and somehow its still wrong, its incredibly frustrating. For instance, being told how to spray tables or wrap on ice is just horrible. I cant always have someone look over my shoulder and worrying about if im doing little things correctly. I cant grow in my practice that way. I understand that my eval skills, rehab skills, and med skills can always continue to grow and i want help on those things but small things that wont change outcomes should be done my way. I think things will continue to get better but i just hope that eventually i wont feel that im always being scrutinized