Monday, September 14, 2015

Let Me Rant About my Experience

So here we go...... I like BMac, the baseball players, coaches, everyone but there are some pretty frustrating things that continue to happen to me. I went thru four years of undergrad to come in to grad school certified and ready to go only be constantly told that im doing little things wrong. I understand that things are done differently here, but there is also more than one right way to do something and definitely a wrong way but when you do it one of the right ways and somehow its still wrong, its incredibly frustrating. For instance, being told how to spray tables or wrap on ice is just horrible. I cant always have someone look over my shoulder and worrying about if im doing little things correctly. I cant grow in my practice that way. I understand that my eval skills, rehab skills, and med skills can always continue to grow and i want help on those things but small things that wont change outcomes should be done my way. I think things will continue to get better but i just hope that eventually i wont feel that im always being scrutinized